File download QR code to PDF & more

Simplify file sharing with our file download QR code. Embed a PDF file, Word docs, MP3s, MP4s, JPEGs, and more into a QR code for easy access and quick downloads.
file download qr code

Make any file downloadable in a scan!

Whether you run a restaurant and want to share your menu in a scan, or a teacher sharing classes with your students, share any document, from a PDF file to MP4, videos and runner maps!

Create your download QR code and share your files in a blink. Turn your idea into a file QR code

When a person scans the QR code, the file immediately downloads to their phone.

A file download QR code is perfect for sharing files with your customers, fans, attendees, volunteers, or anyone else you need to give information to.

You just have to make sure your file is maximum 5MB, so you don’t accidentally overload people’s phones. And if your PDF file or other format is bigger than 5MB, let us know, and we can work something out. Just make sure your customers know the file is larger than 5 MB, too.

file download qr code

Share documents effectively

Share a PDF file, Word docs, songs, videos, photos, and more so your customers can easily access the files you want to share with a file download QR code.

With our PDF QR code generator you can easily create a PDF QR for your PDF files or any other format. When people scan your QR with their camera app or QR code scanner, they instantly access your files.

Don’t forget to include a document description or a call-to-action with your PDF QR codes: knowing what to expect when reading your code for a PDF makes for a better customer experience.

Display Creativity

Make it your own thing

Drive up the number of scans you get by making your dynamic QR code one-of-a-kind.

Branded short URL +
Your brand’s colors +
Your brand’s logo =
One inviting file download QR code

Measure QR Codes

Measure performance

Follow the stats to see how well your QR code is performing. When was it scanned? Where was it scanned? How many times was the file downloaded? It’s all in the stats!
How to make a website QR code

How to make a file download QR code to PDF and all files

First, you need to find a dynamic dynamic QR code generator, just like QR Code KIT!

Then, you can register for a free account. Or, if you already have an account, log in and follow these simple steps:

  • Click “Create QR code.”
  • Select “File download” as the type.
  • Add your file (up to 5MB).
  • Give your QR code a title so you can keep track of it.
  • Click “Save and Apply Changes.”

Finished! That’s all you need to do to make a file download QR code.

QR code insights

What else can I do with it?

Once you have created your QR code, you can personalize it with your branding.

  • Customize it with colors and logos.
  • Edit the shortened URL.
  • Download it in a variety of file formats.
  • Password protect it if necessary.
  • Connect your Google Analytics account.
  • Add a redirect page with a branded message.

You can also create a landing page template to use for your codes and so much more.

Why use dynamic download QR codes?

brand recognition

Express uniqueness

Add your brand name to the shortened URL and your colors and logo to the code. Be creative to increase brand awareness. Your customers are more likely to scan a customized QR code.

Register for a free trial

Assess progress

Dynamic QR codes provide you with useful information, like when and where the code is scanned, and how many times the file is downloaded. Follow your marketing campaigns in real time!


Remain flexible

Change the file your QR code points to any time you like. If you want it to connect to something different, simply change the file it links to. Swap out a PDF for a video, maybe. It’s all up to you.

Star QR

Showcase your brilliance

Print your QR code in a variety of high definition formats on your product packaging or any support. We would be happy to help you choose the right format!