QR code use cases

See QR codes at work in real life. Learn how to make the most of dynamic QR codes on all types of printed materials and in digital channels. Get inspired for your campaigns and reach your goals.

Share contact details, business info, your portfolio and more.
Tell visitors about new promotions, deals, events, sales, specials, and a whole lot more.
Give customers instant access to customer service reps, provide discounts or drive them to relevant online content.

All QR code use cases

Turn your storefront into a powerful interactive marketing tool.
QR codes on websites are already amazing little marketing tools.
Grab people’s attention when people are out and about with QR codes on vehicles.
Gather feedback, collect social media followers and enhance event-goers’ experiences.
Give greeting cards a whole new dimension and make your resume interactive.
Link the real world with the online world.
Your ads go from being two dimensional to being multidimensional and interactive.
Maximize your campaign performances.
Best practices for QR codes on giveaways.
Improve marketing, increase customer loyalty and add value to your yummy offerings.
Add a whole new dimension to print advertising and drive more traffic to your content.
QR codes on flyers turn them from two dimensional into a multi-dimensional way.
Create an interactive shopping experience for customers.
Customers go from just looking at them to interacting with them.
Educate, share information and give your customers a whole new way to connect with your brand.
Give customers another way to interact with your brand.
Augment your content with QR codes on books.
Thanks to QR codes on billboards, your advertising is now interactive.
Share contact details, business info, your portfolio and more.
Tell visitors about new promotions, deals, events, sales, specials, and a whole lot more.
Give customers instant access to customer service reps, provide discounts or drive them to relevant online content.