QR codes for cities and cultural landmarks

Elevate urban exploration with QR codes for Cities. Ideal for museums, galleries, and landmarks, they enrich visitor experiences, fostering discovery and elevating cultural engagement in the city.
qr codes for cities

Take a look at these fantastic ideas about QR codes for cities

qr codes for cities

Improve your cultural touchpoints with QR codes for cities

Local tourist information centers or city councils that incorporate QR codes into their promotional strategies transform ordinary tourist visits into memorable experiences with the help of QR codes for cities and cultural landmarks. Help people make shareable memories so you can attract even more visitors.

These are only a few of the way QR codes for cities can help you promote your cultural hotspots

Cities map

Showcase what your city has to offer

Give visitors a way to access all the best points of interest in your city in one convenient spot with a file download QR code linked to a PDF that lists all the can’t-miss spots. Place the dynamic QR code on your street signs and have people scan it to download all the necessary information to their phones. If anything changes, you can always upload a new PDF to keep it up to date.


Promote your sizzling seasonal events

Annual festivals, fairs and outdoor markets give each individual city its own unique charm. Promote your seasonal events by using QR codes for cities with a landing page QR code to inform about dates and locations and provide all other details. We host the landing page on our site so you don’t have to worry about it.

Editing a QR Code KIT mobile page couldn’t be simpler. If you can use Word, you can edit one of our specialized mobile pages. Add text, photos, videos and links to make it stand out and convey your events info in a meaningful way. If you have programming skills, you can even dig into the code and edit the page that way.

Cities bus

Increase downloads for your city’s app

A mobile app is a simple way to keep citizens and visitors alike up to date on what is happening in your city and let them know about the various cultural sites, transportation schedules, waste pick-up schedules, restaurant recommendations and more. With the App Stores QR code, one code will take visitors to whichever app store they require. iOS users go to the Apple App Store and Android Users go to Google Play – or even the Amazon App Store if that’s where you have your app hosted.


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Tell people your story

Every place has its own interesting history and that is often shared on plaques or placards near various monuments and other historical sites. Make these lessons available to everyone by putting a file download QR code at historical sites that links to an MP3 file with each site’s historical lesson recorded. Anyone who wants to listen while sightseeing can scan the code, download the file, and get informed. It’s bringing your historical sites into the future.

Cities stairs

Take tourists on a (virtual) tour

Sometimes people don’t have time to visit every interesting site, so they have to pick and choose what to do. Give them a virtual tour of all your hotspots with QR codes for cities so they can more easily pick the ones they want to visit in person. Make a video playlist of your attractions on YouTube and link your YouTube channel to a YouTube QR code. Place the code in your tourist center and invite visitors to virtually explore the sites before they decide which ones to check out further. You can update the videos at any time without having to touch the code.


Distribute a discount

Provide residents and tourists with an incentive to visit your museums, galleries and festivals with a special coupon linked to a Coupon QR code. Share the code on your promotional materials and switch it up every month or two to keep things fresh. Give folks a discount on entry to the museum one month and then change the coupon so it’s for the upcoming wine festival the next month. There’s no need to change the code, just change the coupon in your QR Code KIT account.

track yellow

Your one-stop QR code marketing platform

From your QR Code KIT dashboard, take care of all your QR code marketing with as many team members as you like.
Customize your QR codes with logos and brand colors and dig into the tracking data to see when and where your codes are being scanned and more.


Ready to jump level?

Turn your QR codes into an interactive marketing tool