QR codes for consumer packaged goods

Transform packaging into interactive experiences with QR codes for Consumer Packaging. Elevate customer engagement and loyalty by seamlessly conveying vital product information and brand stories with a simple scan.
qr codes for consumer packaged goods

Check out some of the many ways QR codes for consumer packaged goods can benefit brands

qr codes for consumer packaged goods

QR codes for consumer packaged goods perfect packaging

No matter if you manufacture textiles, food and beverages, electronics, appliances or any other consumer product, QR codes on your packaging and print ads can help differentiate your products from other brands and give your customer retention a boost.

Take your brand to the next level with QR codes for consumer packaged goods!


Provide more than just a product

QR codes for consumer packaged goods are bridges to a whole other world of information. Give your customers access to recipes, wardrobe and style suggestions, advice on how to get the most out of your product, and more. A file download QR code linked to a PDF can give your packaging a new dimension and help retain customers who appreciate the extra effort to extend the value of their purchase. If you want to update the document, simply upload a new one without having to reprint the code.


Attract more social media followers

If someone buys your products, they’ll be more likely to follow you on social media. They’re already a fan, after all. Put a Social Link QR code on your packaging and with a scan, customers can get to a landing page listing all your social media accounts (even TikTok if you’re on there). Then they can choose which ones they want to connect with you on.


Boost sales

Everyone loves a deal and giving customers a discount on their next purchase is a fabulous way to entrench brand loyalty. A coupon QR codes on your packaging that gives customers a way to save money on their next purchase from your company will help to make sure they stick with your brand and even recommend it to others.


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Consumer QR codes

Bring your ads to life

How do you turn a print ad into a video ad? With QR codes for consumer packaged goods and a  YouTube QR code, of course! Take viewers behind the scenes and show them your manufacturing process or some other bit of interesting information that will bring them closer to your brand. If you want to change the video, just sign into your QRcodeKit.com account and change the URL in the dynamic QR code. It’s that easy. Open your brand to customers and they’ll respond with increased loyalty.


Give them all the angles

While you are obviously limited by available space on your print ads, including a QR code makes that space virtually infinite. Add a landing page QR code to your print ads and link it to a specially designed mobile page hosted on the QRcodeKit.com site. Edit your mobile page with text, photos, videos and links that give customers a cornucopia of information about your product and entices them to buy. You don’t need any special editing knowledge to create one of our mobile pages. If you can send an email, you can edit one of these pages. For those that know coding, the mobile pages can be edited via their code, as well.

Consumer QR codes

Connect with customers in their own language

Customers love it when you make an extra effort to connect with them and a multilingual QR code lets you do that. When customers scan the code, it takes them to the website version that corresponds with their region of the world. That means customers who scan the code in Spain are taken to the Spanish version of your site while customers who scan the code in the US will be taken to the English version and so on. If you sell products worldwide, this is an excellent way to garner trust and goodwill with your global audience.

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Your one-stop QR code marketing platform

From your QRcodeKit.com dashboard, take care of all your QR code marketing with as many team members as you like. Customize your QR codes with logos and brand colors and dig into the tracking data to see when and where your codes are being scanned and more.

Ready to jump level?

Turn your QR codes into an interactive marketing tool