QR codes for home repair companies

Home repair and maintenance businesses rely on a lot of word-of-mouth advertising to attract new customers. Implementing QR codes for home repair allows them to accelerate this process and grow their customer base exponentially.
qr codes for home repair

Get inspired about how you can use QR codes for home repair companies

qr codes for home repair

QR codes for home repair boost word-of-mouth

Whether you’re a home repair and renovation business, a plumber, an electrician, a landscape architect, a pool cleaner or you run some other kind of home repair and maintenance business, QR codes for home repair companies give you more ways to connect with prospective customers and increase your word-of-mouth marketing.

Check out these creative ways you can use
QR codes for home repair

Garden car

Advertise on the go

You likely already have a sticker or a full wrap on your vehicle advertising your business. It’s basically a free, mobile billboard. Add a digital business card QR code to the information you display on your vehicle to make it easy for prospective customers to save your contact information straight into their phones. Instead of typing in your name, phone number, etc, they just scan it and save all your info in seconds. It’s perfect for someone who is walking by your parked vehicle and who is looking for someone who offers your services.


Display more, use less space

Flyers are fabulous for drumming up business, but they have limited space on them and they can become cluttered easily. By placing QR codes for home repair with a file download QR code on your flyers, you can convey much more information using a fraction of the space. Connect the code to a PDF that goes more in-depth about your services and with one scan, the PDF saves to a person’s phone and they can check it out later. When your prices or services change, simply upload a new PDF. There’s no need to reprint the code.


Show customers how it’s done

People appreciate when others are willing to use their expertise for teaching purposes. Create a knowledge base of how-to videos for simple repairs around the house like squeaky hinges, leaky faucets, clogged toilets, etc, and use a YouTube QR code to connect your printed material to your YouTube channel (or to specific videos). Visitors will like how you are willing to help and share your knowledge and they’ll remember you when they need something that requires professional level knowledge to fix.


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Gather feedback, improve your services

Satisfied customers become loyal customers and even brand ambassadors. Gather customer feedback with QR codes for home repair with a Google Reviews QR code. Print one on your invoice with a call to action asking customers to scan it and leave a review for you. Scanning the code opens up your Google listing where customers can talk about what an amazing job you did or leave a critique that will help you improve your business.

Using QR Code KIT’s batch actions allows you to upload a .CVS file and create digital business card for everyone in your organization if you like. Imagine how fast your network would grow then!

Garden card

Promote your app

It’s all the rage now to have an app, even for small businesses. Your home repair and maintenance app can provide faster booking for customers or a loyalty program for them to join. If you have an app to promote, an App Stores QR code is a unique and effective way to do that. Print one on your marketing and promotional materials and when visitors scan it, they’ll be taken to either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. The dynamic QR code detects the type of operating system and directs them accordingly.


Gain followers

You may not have an app, but you almost certainly have social media accounts. It’s basically mandatory these days. Social media accounts serve no purpose unless you have followers, though. And one of the best ways to gain followers is with a Social Link QR code. When visitors scan this type of code, they are directed to a landing page that lists all of your social media links. Visitors can choose which platforms they want to follow you on.

light blue track

Your one-stop QR code marketing platform

From your QR Code KIT dashboard, take care of all your QR code marketing with as many team members as you like.
Customize your QR codes with logos and brand colors and dig into the tracking data to see when and where your codes are being scanned and more.


Ready to jump level?

Turn your QR codes into an interactive marketing tool