QR codes for musicians and artists

Music acts, visual artists, performers and any other type of creatives can attract fans and disseminate their art to a broader audience with the help of QR codes for musicians and artists. Promote your music, your shows, your exhibits and more.
qr codes for musicians

Let’s dive into the pool of ideas for using QR codes for musicans and artists

qr codes for musicians

QR codes for musicians get people talking

Granted, QR codes might not be the first thing you think of for promoting a band or an artist, but they are like a secret promotional weapon. If you use QR codes for musicians and artists consistently, they’ll produce results that you can track and use to improve your promotional campaigns, making them even better.

Check out what QR codes for musicians can do
for your career


Pitch on the go

Getting booked as a band or an artist means you have to get the gatekeepers to listen to or look at what you’re producing. Print QR codes for musicians with a file download  QR code on your business cards that connects to a sample of your art. If you’re a musician, link it to an MP3 of your best track and if you’re a visual artist, link it to a image of your best piece. It gives bookers an easy way to download some of your work to experience for themselves.


Turn fans into followers

Fans are fantastic, but they’re even better when they are also social media followers who help to boost your posts. To turn real world fans into online followers, you need to get them onto your various social media accounts. A simple way to advertise all your accounts at once is with a social links QR code, which takes fans to a list of all of the platforms you are on (even TikTok). From there, they can choose which ones they want to follow you on. Put the code on your promotional posters and even on a banner at your shows so fans can scan, choose and follow.


Promote your performances

Touring and gigging is a big part of a musical performer’s life. And artists are always looking for galleries to show their work. When you have performances or exhibits booked, help fans get to where they need to go with a Google Maps QR code. This is especially helpful for when you’re playing little venues or showing at small, out-of-the-way galleries. With a quick scan, the code opens Maps on a person’s phone and shows them exactly where they need to go. Place the code on your posters promoting the show and make sure everyone knows how to get there.


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Share exclusive footage

Give fans a glimpse into your creative process by sharing exclusive video footage with them via a YouTube QR code. If you’re a musical artist, let them see some behind the scenes footage of you making your latest music video or concert footage from a particularly good show. If you’re a visual artist, let them see how you create your masterpieces. If you have multiple videos to share, connect the QR code to your entire YouTube channel and let visitors choose which ones they want to watch. Put the code on your merchandise so fans who buy something get an extra treat or put it on a poster inside the venue to give paying visitors a little something extra.


Boost your sales

Even if folks can’t get to your show, they can still buy your music or art to support you. Use QR codes for musicians and artists with a Website QR code to point fans to where they can buy your music or art. Whether it’s Amazon, your own website or some other platform like Etsy, Bandcamp or Patreon, you can connect the dynamic QR code to any type of URL. Link it to your merch store and let fans buy some band t-shirts or prints. Place the QR code on your promotional materials with an enticing call to action and see your sales soar.

yellow track

Your one-stop QR code marketing platform

From your QR Code KIT dashboard, take care of all your QR code marketing with as many team members as you like.
Customize your QR codes with logos and brand colors and dig into the tracking data to see when and where your codes are being scanned and more.


Ready to jump level?

Turn your QR codes into an interactive marketing tool