Digital link QR codes: the ultimate guide to the new standard for global trade

digital link qr codes

The evolution of QRs has led us to a pivotal point with the introduction of digital link QR codes. Unlike their predecessors, these advanced QR codes, based on the GS1 digital link standard, are not just gateways to a static webpage. They represent a dynamic portal to a wide array of information tailored to the needs of different stakeholders – from consumers seeking in-depth product details to businesses looking for efficient supply chain management solutions.

Digital links significantly shift how we interact with products in our increasingly digitalized world.

Digital link QR codes

What’s a digital link?

A digital link is a web address with an embedded product identifier. The guidelines to create a functioning digital link are set by the GS1 digital link standard introduced by GS1, the global authority maintaining barcodes worldwide.

The GS1 digital link standard represents a significant leap in the evolution of product identification and information dissemination, enriching physical products with digital layers of structured data and fundamentally changing the way barcodes are utilized.

This standard extends the functionality of traditional QRs, transforming them into dynamic, information-rich tools for accessing a wide range of product details, business-to-business, and business-to-consumer information. Let’s delve deeper into the various components and functionalities of this standard.

The URI structure: an augmented web address

The new standard’s heart is a simple yet sophisticated system integrating product identifiers and web addresses into a URI (a close relative to a URL). The URI’s structure is meticulously designed, comprising several key elements: domain, ID key, identifiers, qualifiers, and attributes.

The role of resolvers

Resolvers are the backbone of the GS1 digital link ecosystem: servers that act as intermediaries that interpret the URI from a scanned digital link.

Resolvers are responsible for retrieving various digital content associated with the product, such as a brand-owned web page, media files, and online content tailored to the user’s needs.

An essential function of the resolver is to confirm that the product identifiers, such as GTINs (Global Trade Item Number) or SKUs, are officially registered and valid. This step is crucial for ensuring the authenticity of the product information.

Most importantly, the resolver can redirect users to different experiences based on various factors, such as the user’s location, the device used for scanning, or the scan time. For example, a scan at a retail checkout might return pricing and inventory information, while a consumer’s smartphone scan of the same code could lead to a product demonstration video.

Encoding into data carriers: why a QR code is better

For the GS1 digital link to be effective, the link must be encoded into optical data carriers like QRs or Data Matrix. These can be printed on product packaging, labels, or tags.

The choice of a QR code is particularly advantageous due to its widespread recognition and ease of scanning with consumer smartphones. Advancements in printing technology have also produced smaller, yet still readable, QRs, making them more adaptable to various packaging designs.

Future-proofing with GS1 digital link QR codes

As the world moves towards more connected IoT products and stricter track-and-trace regulations, digital links are set to become a vital component in global trade.

The GS1 organization has set a deadline, known as Sunrise 2027, for transitioning from linear barcodes to digital links, emphasizing the urgency for brands to adopt this technology. Starting now with GS1 digital link implementation, future-proofs brands against upcoming market changes and regulatory requirements.

Future-proofing with GS1 digital link QR codes

Applications across industries

The adoption of GS1 digital link QRs spans a broad spectrum of industries, revolutionizing how companies manage product information and engage with customers. Let’s explore the diverse applications and use cases across a few sectors.

Retail and consumer goods

Retailers can use digital link QRs on product packaging to give consumers instant access to detailed product information, from sourcing and ingredients to user manuals and recipes.

Brands can leverage these QRs for marketing campaigns, offering promotions, loyalty program sign-ups, and interactive brand stories directly from product packaging.

Retailers can track inventory in real-time, streamlining stock management and reducing losses due to overstocking or understocking.


Digital link QRs on medication packaging enable accurate tracking, ensuring patient safety by providing vital information such as dosage instructions, expiration dates, and potential side effects.

Healthcare providers can manage and track medical equipment, facilitating maintenance schedules and ensuring compliance with health regulations.

Food and beverage

Digital links provide farm-to-table traceability, offering consumers transparency about the origin and processing of food items and helping manufacturers quickly manage recalls if needed.

Consumers can access detailed nutritional information and allergen warnings, enhancing informed food choices.


Manufacturers can use digital links to track products throughout their lifecycle, from production to end-user, enabling efficient management and quality control.

They ensure products meet industry standards and regulations, with easy access to certifications and compliance documents.

Fashion and apparel

Fashion brands can use digital link QRs to provide information on sustainability practices and ethical sourcing, appealing to environmentally-conscious consumers.

They also help combat counterfeiting by offering a reliable way for consumers to verify product authenticity.

Technology and electronics

QR codes on tech products offer direct access to warranty details, user guides, and customer support.

Consumers can easily access software updates or learn about product features and capabilities.

Each industry tailors the use of GS1 digital link QRs to its specific needs, demonstrating this technology’s versatility and wide-ranging impact.

Compliance with regulations

Digital links are key in ensuring compliance with various industry regulations, significantly impacting how businesses manage product information and meet regulatory requirements. Let’s delve deeper into specific regulations and how digital links facilitate compliance.

European Digital Product Passport (DPP)

The European Digital Product Passport is part of the EU’s broader sustainability initiative aimed at enhancing product transparency and circular economy practices.

It requires products sold in the EU to have a digital passport containing essential information about their lifecycle, including production, repair, and recycling data.

Digital link QRs make it possible to embed the Digital Product Passport into product labels, allowing consumers and regulators easy access to comprehensive product lifecycle information. This aids in tracking environmental impact, sustainability practices, and adherence to EU circular economy principles.

EU Regulation 2021/2117 on wine labels

This regulation mandates more detailed labeling on wine products, including origin, ingredients, and other relevant consumer information.

By using digital link QRs, wine producers can provide extensive information beyond the physical label’s limitations. This includes vineyard details, production methods, and even pairing suggestions, ensuring compliance while enriching the consumer experience.

EU Regulation 2021/2117 on wine labels

FDA Nutrition Facts Label in the U.S.

The FDA requires specific nutritional information to be present on food and beverage packaging, including details on calories, serving size, and nutrient content.

Digital links offer a way to present this information in a more interactive and detailed manner. Consumers can scan the code to access comprehensive nutritional data, ingredient lists, and even dietary advice, ensuring that products meet FDA standards while providing additional value to the consumer.

These examples illustrate the extensive role of digital links in helping businesses across sectors comply with diverse regulations.

By providing a centralized, accessible, and dynamic platform for essential product information, digital link QRs ensure regulatory compliance and enhance transparency, consumer safety, and brand trust.

Enhancing brand engagement and customer experience

Implementing digital link QRs significantly enhances brand engagement and customer experience, both at the point of sale and post-purchase, creating a continual connection between the consumer and the brand. This ongoing engagement is pivotal in building brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Interactive and personalized marketing

Digital links enable brands to engage with consumers even after the purchase. Scanning the code can lead to additional data, personalized content, offers, and updates, keeping the brand at the forefront of the customer’s mind.

Brands can customize the post-purchase experience based on customer preferences, purchase history, or location, offering targeted promotions, product recommendations, or personalized messages.

Enhanced product use and satisfaction

By scanning a digital link QR code on a product, customers can access how-to guides, video tutorials, and troubleshooting tips, enhancing their product usage experience.

Brands can encourage customers to leave feedback or reviews, improving product and customer satisfaction.

Loyalty programs and rewards

Customers can easily join loyalty programs or access their existing accounts via digital link QRs, streamlining the process and enhancing engagement.

Brands can offer exclusive deals, early access to products, or special content to loyal customers, reinforcing positive brand relationships.

Customer data and insights

The interactions and engagements through digital link QRs provide valuable customer preferences and behavior data, allowing brands to refine their marketing strategies and product offerings.

Based on the collected data, brands can dynamically adjust the content delivered through digital links, ensuring relevance and adding value to the customer’s experience.

In summary, digital links offer brands a powerful tool to attract customers at the point of sale and maintain and deepen the relationship post-purchase.

This continuous engagement through personalized content, community building, loyalty rewards, and ongoing support fosters a deeper connection between the brand and its customers, driving long-term customer satisfaction.

Improving supply chain management

Integrating digital link QRs into supply chain management systems offers transformative benefits, improving efficiency, transparency, and overall performance. Let’s explore the various ways in which they can enhance supply chain operations.

Real-time tracking and visibility

Digital link QRs enable tracking of individual items throughout the supply chain, from production to delivery. This granular monitoring gives businesses a detailed view of product movements, reducing the chances of misplacements and delays.

Digital links improve supply chain visibility and increase transparency, enabling real-time product tracking. Businesses can address bottlenecks or inefficiencies promptly and provide customers with accurate information about product availability and delivery timelines.

Real-time tracking and visibility

Efficient inventory management

By using digital link QRs, companies can better monitor inventory levels in real-time, facilitating more accurate demand forecasting and replenishment. This helps maintain the right balance of stock, reducing overstocking and stockouts.

Access to real-time sales and inventory data via QR code scans can improve forecasting accuracy, enabling businesses to adjust production schedules and inventory levels per changing market demands.

Product safety and recall management

In the event of a product recall, a digital link QR code enables quick identification and removal of affected products from the supply chain, minimizing consumer safety risks and the company’s financial impact.

Sustainability and environmental impact

The use of digital links can contribute to sustainability efforts by enabling more efficient use of resources and reducing waste. Companies can track and optimize the environmental impact of their products throughout the supply chain.

By providing detailed information on product composition and recyclability, digital link QRs also support circular economy initiatives, encouraging recycling and reusability.

Data-driven decision-making

The data collected from digital link QR code scans offers valuable insights into supply chain performance and the extended product lifecycle. This information can be used to make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, and identify areas for improvement.


In summary, digital links represent a significant evolution in product information delivery. Especially when paired with a dynamic QR code, They offer versatile applications across various industries, from regulatory compliance to enhanced customer engagement and streamlining supply chain operations.

We strongly encourage everybody who manufactures or trades physical products to start using digital links now. Getting ready in time for the global transition from UPCs and linear barcodes to digital link QRs in 2027 and preparing for the EU Digital Product Passport revolution is crucial to ensure a sustainable business in the near future.

For those interested in exploring the creation and application of digital link QRs, provides a wealth of resources and tools to get started.