QR codes for restaurants

Enhance dining experiences with QR codes for Restaurants. These codes captivate customers, streamline service, and promote repeat visits, making them a key tool for modern and efficient restaurant management.
qr codes for restaurants

Have a look at some of the many ways you can use QR codes for restaurants

qr codes for restaurants

QR codes for restaurants ramp up your returning customer rate

Use QR codes for restaurants to draw customers in, make sure they’ve enjoyed their experience and then coax them back into your eatery. By using them in ads, inside your restaurant and in other creative ways, you can continually communicate with diners and keep them coming back.

Read on to see how you can creatively use QR codes for restaurants to improve your marketing

restaurant qr codes

Make your menus to go

Using QR codes for restaurants with a menu QR code, visitors can check out your menu wherever they scan the code and even save it to their phones to look at later. The QR code allows you to upload multiple PDF menus, so you’re able to upload your main menu, your dessert menu, your drinks menu and any seasonal menus you have. If your menus change, simply reupload the PDF.

Print your code in your ads and on table tents near the checkout so customers can scan it on their way out to keep your menus close by for when they’re feeling hungry at home.

menu qr code

Bump up your social media followers

You make great food and it deserves to be shared. While your customers may not want to share their delicious dishes, they will probably want to share a photo of it with their social media followers.

Putting a social links QR code on your table tents and on other promotional material is a great way to tap into this free promotion. Put a call to action with your QR codes for restaurants that asks customers to follow you and tag your restaurant in any posts they make about it. When customers scan the code, they are taken to a landing page (that we host) with a list of your social media accounts. From here, they can choose which platforms to follow you on. It even has TikTok, if you happen to have an account on there.

restaurant qr codes

Gather crucial feedback

The modern equivalent to word-of-mouth marketing is having good reviews on sites like Google. A Google Reviews QR code can help you garner those coveted reviews. With a quick scan, customers are taken to your Google listing where they can leave a review of your stellar service and delectable food. The more good reviews you get, the more visitors you’ll get. Even if you receive reviews that aren’t completely positive, this will still help you improve your services because these critiques let you know what area you need to work on.

If you want to collect feedback that doesn’t get published in a public setting, use a website QR code and link it to a URL that takes visitors to an online survey where they can give their thoughts on your establishment.


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menu qr code

Advertise during off hours

Windows are fantastic canvases for a restaurant. When you’re open, they let passersby see all the satisfied customers inside. When you’re closed, they can act as places for curious passersby to get information about your establishment. Put a website QR code on your window so they can scan it and find out about your establishment. Place a menu QR code in another corner of the window to let folks have access to your menu even when you’re closed.

To take full advantage of your window space, stick a digital business card QR code on a window so visitors can instantly save your restaurant’s contact information in their phones. When they scan the code, they’ll be able to save the establishment’s name, phone number, address, email and other relevant info

Show off your best dishes

As human beings, we’re hungry for images. Keep your advertisements uncluttered while still making people’s mouth water with a Mobile Page QR code in your advertising.

This type of QR codes for restaurants come linked to a blank mobile optimized page that you can edit into whatever you like. Use photos, videos, links, text and lists to build a photo gallery of your food to entice folks into your eatery. That way, you can keep your advertising looking slick but also give prospective customers a sumptuous feast for their eyes, which could lead to them coming in to try some of those delectable looking dishes.

restaurant qr codes
Restaurant QR codes

Delight with a discount

Coupons are a superb way to draw in new customers and reward long-time visitors of your restaurant. Print a coupon QR code on your promotional materials and when customers scan it, they’ll access whatever great discount you’re offering.

Put one on your receipts to turn one-time customers into returning customers. When you want to offer a new deal, simply change the coupon on the code’s back end.

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Your one-stop QR code marketing platform

From your QRcodeKit.com dashboard, take care of all your QR code marketing with as many team members as you like.
Customize your QR codes with logos and brand colors and dig into the tracking data to see when and where your codes are being scanned and more.

Ready to jump level?

Turn your QR codes into an interactive marketing tool