News becomes QR Code KIT becomes QR Code KIT: The evolution of QR solutions

The quest for seamless integration between the real world and digital content is paramount in a rapidly advancing digital age. Since 2009, has stood as a beacon in this realm, pioneering as the first dynamic QR code generator. Today, we’re thrilled to evolve into QR Code KIT, building upon our legacy while introducing innovative enhancements.

QR code marketing campaigns

10 amazing ideas for your QR code marketing campaigns

QR code marketing campaigns are the new thing. The use of QR codes in marketing is becoming to pick up steam thanks to the growing smartphone-browsing crowd and the ability of iPhones with IOS 11 to scan codes easily with the camera’s phone. However, not only iPhones have this advantage, but Google Chrome also has its own QR codes scanner to make your life easier.

practical uses of QR codes

7 practical uses of QR codes

There are more practical uses of QR codes than what we think. This post will show you seven practical uses of QR codes that you probably didn’t know and can start using it right now to make your life easier.

Create QR code for Email address

Create QR code for email address: revolutionize your digital communication

In today’s fast-paced digital world, create QR code for email address is reshaping how we share contact information and engage in digital marketing. This article delves deep into the realm of email QR codes, providing a comprehensive guide on creating, using, and optimizing these innovative tools for various purposes in the email field.

QR codes for wedding

The perfect match: the ultimate guide to QR codes for wedding RSVPs

The future of wedding planning and guest management is QR Codes for wedding RSVPs. Learn everything you need to know about QR Codes for wedding RSVPs, how to make, customize and track them, and how to use them to enhance your wedding experience. Get the best tips about picking the right QR Code generator for your wedding.